OBAL in the Community

OBAL Thanksgiving Food Drive – Giving Back
Even with the challenges of COVID-19, OBAL continues to serve our community with excellence. Congratulations to Services to Youth (STY) Facet Chair Link Lauren Jennings and the STY Committee on a fantastic program at Beyond Emancipation (BE). Thursday, November...

Arts Facet “Books, Netflix and Chill” Reading Program with Elizabeth House
Good evening OBAL Sisters. Congratulations to The Arts Facet Chair Link Loraine Binion Hardy and The Arts Facet Committee on a wonderful reading program executed at Elizabeth House: “Books, Netflix and Chill”. Thanks to the creativity of Link Lawana and Link Rhonda...

ITS Facet HBCU Presentation with Beyond Emancipation
Under the leadership of our 2nd Vice President of Programming, Link Radonna Scott, we had another program success! On Wednesday evening, October 28th, our International Trends & Services (ITS) Facet Committee participated in OBAL’s first virtual program with...

OBAL Arts Facet Wreath Making Workshop with Elizabeth House
Congratulations to our Second Vice-President of Programming, Link Radonna, our Arts Facet Chair, Link Loraine, and the Arts Facet Committee members for a fabulous event on October 19th with the residents of Elizabeth House. At the request of the Elizabeth House...

NTS “Call to Action 2020, Our Voice, Our Vote” Program with Elizabeth House
Congratulations to our 2nd Vice President of Programming Link Radonna Scott, our Chapter Voter Czar and NTS Facet Chair Link Valarie Kelly, and the entire NTS Facet Committee on a fantastic program last night with our community partner Elizabeth House. This was...

Happy Birthday to Our April-Birthday Links

Arts Facet Trip with Fly Girls to the de Young Museum
First, "Soul of a Nation...Art in the Age of Black Power 1963 - 1983" is a wonderful exhibit, and everyone enjoyed it. Nineteen McClymonds girls and two chaperones attended, representing two student groups: the FLY girls (First Love Yourself) and YES (Young Empowered...

National Trends and Services: Call to Action 2020: Your Voice, Your Vote – The Power of Community Advocacy
MyClymonds High School, January 15, 2020 The program began with a lively panel discussion about the importance of voting and a high-level overview of the local political process. The panelists included Alameda County District 5 Supervisor Keith Carson, Attorney and...

OBAL Thanksgiving Give-a-way
Oakland Bay Area gives back! We had the pleasure of giving away 40 turkeys and side items to complete a Thanksgiving meal for select families at MCClymonds High School. Thank you to Safeway, Valerie Lewis, Radonna Foley-Scott, Denise Smith, our President - Sheelah...

Healthcare Careers: A Bright Future
MyClymonds High School, November 15, 2019 Yesterday, the Health & Human Services (HHS) Facet hosted a program in partnership with Kaiser Permanente for the FLY Girls at McClymonds High School, "Healthcare Careers: A Bright future". I want to congratulate our 2nd...