Congratulations to our Second Vice-President of Programming, Link Radonna, our Arts Facet Chair, Link Loraine, and the Arts Facet Committee members for a fabulous event on October 19th with the residents of Elizabeth House. At the request of the Elizabeth House Activity Director, the Arts Facet created a wreath-making workshop.
A delicious dinner of jerk chicken, peas and rice, green salad, and cupcakes were delivered prior to the workshop. The residents enjoyed the meal and were very appreciative.
The Arts Facet members supplied all materials for the workshop: tools, glue, ribbons, etc., to ensure the residents had everything they needed. Link Radonna made a beautiful wreath to gift to the house that also served as a prototype. Link Loraine, Link Lawana and Link Rhonda demonstrated how to create the wreaths via zoom, thus making the activity interactive and fun.
Some of the residents shared their finished product. Elizabeth House plans to have their own wreath design contest and will judge their wreaths.
Thanks to all the committee members that participated in this activity, Links Radonna, Loraine, Rhonda, Lawana.
OBAL continues to provide great programs to our community, “Links Leveling Up”