Under the leadership of our 2nd Vice President of Programming, Link Radonna Scott, we had another program success! On Wednesday evening, October 28th, our International Trends & Services (ITS) Facet Committee participated in OBAL’s first virtual program with Beyond Emancipation (BE).
Our ITS Facet Chair, Link Marsha Peterson gave an outstanding presentation during BE’s virtual college fair. The focus of Link Marsha’s presentation was: the benefit of attending historically black colleges universities (HBCUs) and the advantage of participating in study abroad programs. Link Marsha shared compelling data about the strategic advantage and unique experience of attending an HBCU. Link Marsha also presented compelling statistics showing how competitive the HBCU admission process is as well as the success of their graduates. Equal time was devoted to the unique opportunity of taking part in study abroad programs. Information was given about how the opportunity to study and live abroad in other countries can be life-changing.
Some of the schools that participated in the 90-minute zoom college fair program were: UC Berkeley, Stanford, California State University East Bay, Mills College, and Morehouse College.
Special thanks to the ITS Co-Chair Link Alexis Smith who designed the eye-catching slides used by Link Marsha. This presentation was a collaborative effort by the ITS committee members: Link Sonja, Link Jessica, Link Dorine, Link Stephanie, Link Angelina, Link Rachelle, Link Beryl, Link Jane, and Link Katie.
OBAL continues to serve our community in the midst of unprecedented challenges, by “Leveling Up”.