Congratulations to our Second Vice-President of Programming, Link Radonna, our Health & Human Services (HHS) Facet Co-Chairs, Link Regina and Link Kimberley, and the HHS Facet Committee members for a fabulous event on February 4th with the residents of Elizabeth House.  HHS presented “Food as Medicine” an interactive discussion with Link Andrea Breaux from the Alameda Contra Costa Chapter.


The HHS Facet Committee supplied groceries and journals to take notes.  The program started with the Residents taking quizzes on healthy eating, food budgeting, and food staples.  The workshop included topics of how to read food labels, meal planning, how to find the items of the best value in the grocery store, and the importance of water for good health. The conversation was lively.  The group reached the census that a piece of fried chicken can be eaten for breakfast, balanced with other nutritional foods, but it can be an option.


Each resident was gifted with gift cards from Safeway and Target and Healthy Healing Minds facemasks donated by Link Andrea. The evening was ended with affirmations and statements of gratitude.




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