Thank you to Link Alexis Smith and the ITS Facet for hosting an engaging and educational workshop, at Elizabeth House, titled, “Women Who Lead”.
Link Marsha Peterson ordered a delicious dinner that was delivered to the residents. The menu included fried chicken, collard greens, macaroni and cheese, green salad, rolls and layer cake.
This was a hybrid event with Link Marsha Peterson on site supporting our participants and with other committee members, on Zoom facilitating the games and other activities.
Link Theresa Clincy provided a welcome and Link Alexis Smith shared opening remarks. Link Alexis facilitated a bingo game that incorporated information about women who are recognized as leaders in their respective fields. The participants really enjoyed the game and the prizes that were awarded for calling out “bingo!” Everyone learned something new Monday night as we celebrated Women’s History Month.
The Program Coordinator at Elizabeth House shared, that the ladies in residence hearts’ were full following the night’s activities. Also, thank you to Link Val Barnett for donating the journals and pens for the gift bags.
Thank you to the OBAL members who supported the event on Monday, Link Alexis Smith, Link Marsha Peterson, Link Sonja Johnson Williams, Link Dorine Holsey Streeter, Link Shakeya A. McDow, Teresa Duncan Cox, Link Beryl Crumpton Potter, Link Jessica Hebert, Link Jane Terry Green, and Link Theresa Clincy.
The evening concluded with Link Marsha presenting the residents with a box of books for the EH library.
Kudos to the ITS Facet for a job well done!
Link Theresa Clincy