Congratulations to Link Terri Porter and the Health and Human Services Facet for facilitating a marvelous workshop tonight at Elizabeth House! This workshop is part of our ongoing series to Love, Honor, and Respect Yourself, developed by Link Shakeya A. McDow. It was comprised of three components: Mindfulness, Nutrition, and Movement.
12 mothers attended “Thriving: Navigating the Holidays”. The purpose of the workshop was to provide tips and strategies that the residents could use to stay balanced during the upcoming holiday season.
The evening started with Link sisters Terri Porter, Lauren Jennings, Sheelah Hogg, Jasmine Dartez, Beryl Crumpton Potter, and Thad MacFarlane setting up the dining room with Thanksgiving themed decorations. Mothers and children enjoyed a delicious dinner of spaghetti with meat sauce, garlic bread sticks, mixed green salad, water and cookies, provided by Lady’s Catering.
Following dinner, Link Jasmine Dartez opened up the workshop, Link Theresa Clincy provided the welcome, and Link Terri Porter shared the contents of their folders, which included an Amazon Gift Card. Link Cherisse Shephard shared tips for healthy eating. Megan Thee Stallion’s Anxiety video was played as a lead in to a lively and engaging discussion with Link Diane Harris Wilson, about the emotions that can surface during the holidays. After this discussion, the residents participated in a yoga class lead by Link Beryl Crumpton Potter, who was assisted by Link Thad MacFarlane. Pre and post survey questions were administered by Link Sheelah Hogg.
In addition, to the workshop, HHS also provided the gift cards that will be used to supplement the Thanksgiving meal at Elizabeth House.
Much appreciation to those who supported the planning and preparation for this event: Link Terri for her leadership and committee oversight, Link Lauren who ordered the delicious meal, Link Thad for providing the tips and strategies handouts, Link Sheelah for putting together the folders, Link Jasmine for her rousing icebreaker, Link Cherisse for purchasing the gift cards, Link Diane for preparing the mindfulness component, Link Beryl for facilitating the movement segment, and Link Kristen Clement for providing the materials for the nutritional presentation.
And thank you to the Link sisters who attended the event: Link Terri, Link Sheelah, Link Jasmine, Link Diane, Link Cherisse, Link Thad, Link Beryl, Link Lauren, and Link Theresa Clincy.
This well designed and facilitated workshop will certainly help the participants manage the stress of the upcoming holidays and thrive.
Kudos, HHS, for a job well done!