Good evening OBAL Sisters. Congratulations to The Arts Facet Chair Link Loraine Binion Hardy and The Arts Facet Committee on a wonderful reading program executed at Elizabeth House: “Books, Netflix and Chill”.
Thanks to the creativity of Link Lawana and Link Rhonda a beautiful basket filled with books and stuffed animals was delivered to Elizabeth House by new member Link Kimberly Higgins May prior to the start of the program. The program started off with a delicious dinner and then the residents watched a screening of “Bookmarks” on Netflix. The program focused on the importance of reading aloud to children, and how that helps build a child’s comprehension and cognitive/ thinking abilities.
Thank you to all the Facet Committee members that made this such a fabulous program: Link Loraine, Link Lawana, Link Rhonda, Link Carolyn, Link Kimberly Higgins May and Link Shakeya. Great job by our Arts Facet of “Leveling Up” for the residents of Elizabeth House.